BCG Best in Class Award
A BCG annually awards an academic merit award to the best student of th Management C.U of the Engineering and Management Department (DEG) of IST.
Target audience and application conditions
All the students enrolled in the UC of Management, being mandatory the participation, valid until the end of the simulation, in the IST Management Challenge (ISTMC).
Essential requirements
Students will be order in a sequentially and increasing order by the following criteria:
- Final grade;
- Classification in the Individual Assessment (Tests / Recaps)
- Classification in ISTMC Competitive (group classification where students were included in ISTMC)
- If, after applying the above criteria, there is still a tie, the tiebreaker will be the average of the UC completed at the IST by the end of 2023/24, combined with the ECTS completed by the end of the academic year.
- If after the application of these 3 criteria still the tie persists the jury will decide the best way to make the tiebreaker.
- Monetary prize, to be given to Student, amounting to € 1.600 (one thousand six hundred euros);
- Donation for the improvement of the education quality, in the amount of € 1.070 (thousand and seventy euros euros).
The jury must be composed by 3 elements:
- 1 element from BCG,
- IST Head of UC Management
- Professor member of UC Management.
Winner BCG Best in Class Award
Edition | Name do Aluno | Award |
2018/2019 | Alexandra Esperança Gonçalves | 1.300,00€ |
2019/2020 | Rui Pedro Canário Daniel | 1.300,00€ |
2020/2021 | Francisco Severino Alves | 1.300,00€ |
2021/2022 | Bernardo Morais Chagas | 1.300,00€ |
2022/2023 | Pedro Emanuel Barbosa Fernandes Tavares Morais | 1600,00€ |
2023/2024 | João Lourenço Vieira Vargas | 1600,00€ |
- The Boston Consulting Group rewards academic excellence at Técnico (2018/2019)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering student wins BCG Merit Award (2019/2020)
- Engineering Physics student wins “BEST In Class BCG” merit award 2022/2023
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