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Merit Award in Aerospace Engineering


Tekever will award the best student in Masters Degree in Aerospace Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico.

Target audience and application conditions

All Técnico students enrolled in Master Degree in Aerospace Engineering.

Rules and Conditions

1. Students must have already completed the Curricular Units of the 1st and 2nd semesters of the 1st year, and those of the 1st semester of the 2nd year, totalling 90 ECTS.
2. Students will be ranked according to the weighted average of the curricular units referred to in point 1, attended and completed at Instituto Superior Técnico, and the first 3 students will be selected.
3. The 3 selected students must submit their CV for for appreciation.
4. The jury could invite the 3 students for an interview.

  1. Prize
  • Monetary prize, to be given to the student, in the amount of 2.500,00€ (two thousand and five hundred euros);
  • Donation for the improvement of the education quality, in the amount of  1.670,00€ (one thousand six hundred and seventy euros).


The jury panel must be composed of more than one Técnico faculty member so that they have a majority of the votes.

(See regulation of the respective academic year for more information).

Winners of Tekever Merit Award in Aerospace Engineering

Edition Student Prize
2024/2025 Wait winner 2.500,00 €


Regulamento Prémio de Mérito 24_25 (PDF, 78KB)





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