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Merit Award Deloitte in Software Architecture

Deloitte Technology, S.A annually awards an academic merit award to the best group of students of the Software Architecture unit of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Target audience and application conditions

Candidates for the Deloitte Merit Award in Software Architecture will be all the groups of Técnico students enrolled in  Software Architecture unit.

Rules and Conditions

  1. 1. In the first phase, students will be ranked by group according to their final mark in the course unit. final mark in the curricular unit, which will be made up of the mark for the project and the theoretical assessment, taking into account the mini-tests and the 1st and 2nd period exams. groups of students with the highest scores will be selected to go through to the second stage.
    2. Each group’s score will be calculated by adding together the marks from the theoretical assessment of each of the members of the group. the theoretical assessment of each member of the group, then adding the value obtained to the project mark multiplied by the number of members of the group. multiplied by the number of members of the group, and dividing this total by the number of members of the group times 2. At the end of this phase, 3 groups of students will be chosen.
    3. In the second phase (pitch component), each of the selected groups will make a pitch (through one of the students), where the project developed by each group will be presented, of 5 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion, where content, potential impact on society and clarity of presentation will be valued. impact on society and clarity of presentation will be valued.
    4. The second selection phase will last a total of 1 hour, comprising 45 minutes of presentations and 15 minutes of deliberation. presentations and 15 minutes of deliberation by the jury.
    5. The selected group can only benefit from 1 (one) merit award, given to the best student in the same academic year. student in the same academic year.
    6. The tie-breaker criterion will be the current average of the students in each group to date.
    7. The jury’s decision cannot be contested.


  • Monetary prize, to be given to students group, amounting to € 1.800 (one thousand eight hundred euros);
  • Donation for the improvement of the education quality, in the amount of € 1.200 (one thousand two hundred euros).


The jury panel must be composed of more than one Tecnico faculty member so that they have a majority of the votes.

(See regulation of the respective academic year for more information).


Winners of Deloitte Merit Award in Software Architecture

Edition Students Name Award
2024/2025 Awaiting winners 1.800€


Corporate Partnerships Unit

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