McKinsey Merit Award in Computational Mathematics
McKinsey annually awards an academic merit award to the best student of the U.C. Computational Mathematics in the Mathematics Department of IST’s.
Target audience and application conditions
The McKinsey Merit Award in Computational Mathematics is open to all students at IST who have passed the Curricular Unit Computational Mathematics with a final grade of at least 16.
Essential requirements
1. Student will be graded according to their final grade in the Computational Mathematics unit and by the Jury.
2. In case of a tie, the Jury will consider the average mark obtained by the student in the curricular untis they passed in the academic year, in which the prize is awarded.
3. The selected student may only receive one (1) merit award in the same academic year.
- Monetary prize amounting to 1.600€ (one thousand and six hundred euros), to be given to student;
- Donation for the improvement of the education quality, in the amount of 1.070€ (one thousand and seventy euros);
The jury must be composed of more than one IST member, so that they have a majority of the votes.
(See regulation of the respective academic year for more information)
McKinsey Awards in previous years
Between 2018 and 2021, three McKinsey Merit Award in Complex Analysis and Differential Equations were awarded. To see more information about these awards, click here.
Winners McKinsey Merit Award in Computational Mathematics
Edition | Student Name | Award |
2022/2023 | Eduardo Henrique Gomes de Sousa Neto Guerreiro | 1.600,00€ |