Técnico inaugurates logistics laboratory at Oeiras Campus

The Logistics Laboratory powered by Worten was inaugurated on May 14th at Oeiras campus. Equipped with various pieces of equipment and systems that simulate the context of a ‘real’ warehouse, the lab will allow Industrial Engineering and Management students to interact with storage systems used in a professional environment during their laboratory classes.

“The idea is to follow the entire flow of goods entering the warehouse” followed by the customer’s order, the location of these products in the warehouse and the “shipping process” explains Tânia Ramos, a professor at Técnico and president of the Centre for Management Studies at Instituto Superior Técnico (CEGIST). “We thought that it would be interesting to have a space outside the ‘normal classroom’ where students could try out various machines”, emphasises Susana Relvas, also a professor at Técnico, a researcher at CEGIST, and the vice-president of the Department of Engineering and Management.

The two Técnico professors were the “driving force” behind the creation of this laboratory, with the idea coming from “a brainstorming session”, according to Tânia Ramos. “We needed something more physical and tangible so that our students could experience what we teach in class”, she explains.

Full story here.
