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Área de Transferência de Tecnologia do IST

IST’s Technology Transfer Office supports the Executive Board of the School in its links to Society, namely through the economic exploration of IST’s knowledge base. Specifically, the Technology Transfer Office manages IST’s intellectual property and is the point of contact for entrepreneurship and corporate relations.


The Feedzai Women in Science MSc & PhD Scholarships are back! These scholarships aim to support the studies of female students enrolled in master’s and doctoral programs at Técnico who seek to continue their studies and engage in research activities.

The Feedzai Women in Science Scholarships for Master’s and Doctoral programs have different values, eligibility criteria, and application dates. Please read all the information provided here.

To apply, access the application form. This link can be used for both Master’s and Doctoral scholarship applications.

For more information and regulations, click here.

For questions or queries, contact

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September 2024
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Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Open Calls

⚡️ Applications Open for ULisboa’s Entrepreneurship Education Program 2024-25. For all ULisboa Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD students looking to develop new skills and new entrepreneurial ideas. This program offers enrollment in Curricular Units from various ULisboa Schools, free of charge and with the attribution of credits. 👉More information.

⚡️ Applications are now open for the Fall Batch of Startup Lisboa’s incubation program! This is one of the best ways to get started if you want to join our community. 👉information and applications here
⚡️ Portugal Ventures has launched Call WIT (Web3 Innovation in Tourism) to invest between €200,000 and €1.5M in startups and scaleups at the forefront of Web3 innovation in Tourism and Hospitality! Applications until June 23rd 👉here.
⚡️Crédito Agrícola presents the 11th edition of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Award, highlighting 4 key categories that aim to respond to pressing challenges in the agricultural, agri-food and forestry sectors. If you have an innovative idea that helps with resource management or have discovered the best way to make plantations resistant to climate change, then this opportunity could be for you. There are €30,000 in prizes and special awards. Applications can be submitted using the form available here until June 28th. Applications until June 28thhere.
⚡️Valorsul Open Innovation 2024 an innovation competition that aims to recognize and reward innovative ideas and solutions in waste management. Prize of €3,000 for the winner of each challenge; Budget of €150,000 to fund pilot projects. Challenge 1 – New digital and AI solutions in waste management | Challenge 2 – New generation packaging sorting | Challenge 3 – Maximizing the potential of incineration slag. Applications until August 15th 👉+ here
⚡️With the institutional sponsorship of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Docapesca has launched the 3rd edition of the Expo Fish Portugal Innovation Award, which aims to reward the best projects and ideas in the field of innovation and research linked to the sea food, fisheries and aquaculture sector. New seafood products, solutions for more sustainable fishing and aquaculture, new equipment and production methods, innovative digital solutions and services and contributions to biodegradable fishing gear. Applications until October 31, 2024 👉+ HERE

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