Celfocus honours Computer Science and Engineering students for the 7th time

For the 7th time, Celfocus awarded a work carried out by Técnico students in the Software Engineering curricular unit, for the 2023/2024 academic year of the Undergraduate Programme in Computer Science and Engineering. Carlos Felgueiras and Daniel Carvalho were the winners of the award, worth 2,500 euros, delivered on 26 June, in the Main Building’s Meeting Room, at Alameda campus.

In response to the challenge of approaching in different ways the “humanaEthica” project, a volunteer management platform, the winning duo highlighted the importance of volunteer centres being able to add topics and activities to the platform. The other group competing for the award, made up of Eduardo Nazário and Beatriz Gavilan, presented some proposals that could help motivate volunteers, such as a ranking table that would recognise the volunteers who worked more hours, the possibility of searching by the availability of the interested party and a forum that brings together only volunteers, making it easier for new participants to join.

Full story here.
