Student of Electrical and Computer Engineering receives Axians merit award in Optimisation and Algorithms.

Tiago Brogueira, a Master’s student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, was the winner of the first edition of this award, which annually distinguishes the best students in the Optimisation and Algorithms Curricular Unit (CU).

The winning student stood out for his pitch and his exceptional performance, finalising the course with the maximum mark of 20 and receiving a prize of 1750 euros.

The award ceremony was preceded by a pitch by the five students who obtained a mark higher than 17 – Afonso Certo, Alexandre Reis, José Lopes, Patrícia Marques and Tiago Brogueira – and who accepted the challenge of presenting themselves to the award jury. The jury was made up of the teachers responsible for the course and Marco Vicente, an engineer also representing Axians. All the students had their merit recognised by receiving diplomas.

Full story here.
