i.Talks: Técnico and Galp team up to debate cybersecurity challenges

Instituto Superior Técnico hosted another i.Talks, this time in partnership with Galp and dedicated to cybersecurity. The initiative, held on 15 May in the Main Building of Técnico – Alameda campus, brought together professors and researchers who highlighted the importance of linking business with academia to face contemporary challenges.

The Vice-President of Técnico for Corporate Interface, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Pedro Amaral, highlighted the role of the i.Talks: “In recent years we have promoted a closer relationship between the School and companies”, which “is going far beyond the traditional”, also emphasising that the impact of science and technology must be real, reflecting the growth and innovation observed in the post-pandemic period.

Manuel Andrade, Head of Open Innovation at Galp, said the company “is very pleased with this partnership and aware of its importance”. Referring to cybersecurity, he pointed out that, as an energy company, risk management is intrinsic to the organisation, making this a fundamental issue for Galp.

Full story here.
