Sky Portugal Merit Award honours Técnico student

On April 23rd, the Sky Portugal Merit Award ceremony was held to recognise outstanding students in the Algorithms for Computational Logic Curricular Unit (UC) of the Computer Engineering master’s degree at Instituto Superior Técnico.

The event was attended by Pedro Amaral, Vice-President for Business Interface, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Técnico, who praised the solid partnership between Técnico and Sky Portugal. “We have several international companies in our partner network, mainly in consultancy, but Sky is one of the few in the engineering and technology area,” he said.

Javier María, winner of the 2nd edition of the prize, worth 1535 euros, said that “recognition for excellence is very gratifying”. “It was a possibility that became a certainty,” he added when asked about his expectations of winning.

In addition to the prize money awarded to the student, the company donated 1025 euros to the Department of Computer Engineering (DEI) to improve teaching and learning conditions at the UC.

Full story here.
