Técnico alumni meet in New York to share experiences and remember the school

Several former students from Instituto Superior Técnico met at the Pestana Park Avenue Hotel in New York on 15 April for a ‘Técnico Alumni Chapter’ – a meeting between alumni with the aim of maintaining ties between former colleagues, strengthening the bond between them and their alma mater. Now working in different areas of the labour market or continuing their studies, the participants shared their experiences during the event, also taking the opportunity to recall memories of their time at Técnico.

The initiative was organised by the Técnico Alumni Network and included the participation of Joana Mendonça, vice-president for the Oeiras campus. Pedro Pinheiro, an alumnus of the school in the area of Industrial Engineering and Management, who was also involved in the organisation, took the opportunity to recount how Técnico offered him “more than education” – it gave him “friends for life and teachers who marked [his] education”.

As with this event, a Técnico Alumni Chapter has already been established in Munich, Germany, and more chapters are expected to be launched elsewhere in the world by the end of this year.

Full story here.
