Alumni gather to celebrate 113 years of Técnico

The voices of Instituto Superior Técnico’s former students once again echoed through the Central Pavilion of the Alameda campus on a night of reunions, marking the institution’s 113th anniversary. The alumni dinner brought together around one hundred and fifty former students, teachers and business partners, on a night marked by the sharing of memories and reflections on Técnico’s past and future.

Rogério Colaço, Técnico’s president, emphasised the social nature of the Alumni Network. “A few years ago, we began to realise that there was a need not to leave anyone behind at Técnico. For a long time, I slept with a clear conscience knowing that no one was left behind. However, in recent years, during and after the pandemic, I don’t have such a clear conscience,’ he said, referring to the rising cost of living and the economic difficulties faced by families. ‘In a country that needs talent, we can’t leave people behind,’ he concluded.
Técnico’s Vice-President for Business Interface, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Pedro Amaral, at the start of the event, highlighted the participation of companies belonging to Técnico’s Partner Network such as Galp, Deloitte and NTT Data. ‘At this emblematic dinner, we have sets of tables organised and we invited three companies from our partner network to form tables and help make up the dinner,’ he said, before listing the departments and courses present.

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Full story here.
