Técnico Alumni Mentoring Programme closes the year with padel event and conviviality

‘Fostering relationships between alumni and students is essential if we are to overcome today’s challenges.’ The words of Pedro Amaral, Técnico’s vice-president for Business Interface, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, sum up the spirit of the closing event of the Técnico Alumni Mentoring programme. On 20 May, in an informal setting, several mentors and mentees got together for a paddle tennis tournament and moments of conviviality that brought the mentoring season to a close. Participants were able to explore interaction and teamwork in an event that also promoted the sharing of experiences and learning.

Luca Gusella, a Biomedical Engineering student, stressed the importance of this programme for his personal and professional life: ‘I learned a lot and, above all, I created a relationship with my mentor,’ noting that they have already arranged to meet in the future.

Técnico Alumni Mentoring is a programme that aims to connect Técnico students with alumni already established in the job market, providing professional guidance and support.

Full story here.
