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Posters to vote in the E.Awards@Tecnico2024


Online voting for the “Best Poster by Accenture” of the E.Awards@Tecnico2024 competition is open until July 3.

The projects presented were made by IST students under one of the Entrepreneurship Curricular Units taught at Instituto Superior Técnico.

The best posters shall be evaluated by: “Innovative Idea”, “Potential for Social and Environmental Impact”, and “Poster Presentation”.

To choose which Poster you think should be the winner vote through the form we created for this purpose:

The posters in competition, and listed below, are exhibited in the Atrium of the Central Pavilion until 4th July.

The 2 winning posters will be announced at the Final Event, on July 3rd at Técnico Innovation Center Centre.

We invite you to attend this session and watch the selected teams pitch and meet the winning teams.

Free entry! Book your place here.

Visit us and vote for your favorite!

1 – Recycle Protect 2 – Daybright Face Cream 3 – ART – Aero Rescue Technologies
4 – SandFlower 5 – Bookycar 6 – Nanolitho
7 – WATTWATCH 8 – CitySeeders
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