IP Talks@Técnico – Quick introduction to Intellectual Property

IP Talks@Tecnico

  • What does Intellectual Property have to do with my research work?
  • What are my rights as an inventor at Técnico?
  • What kind of right protects my thesis?
  • Why should I protect my work/research?

These are some of the questions that will be answered in the “Quick introduction to Intellectual Property” section of the IP Talks@Técnico program, on November 25th at 4pm

Register here: https://bit.ly/ip-talks-s1

This is the first in a series of short sessions presented by the Intellectual Property Office of the Technology Transfer Office of Técnico to all the academic community, but mainly to researchers, PhD students and finalist students.

In a short session, we will talk about the general concepts within the field of Intellectual Property. You will be able to learn the step-by-step to protect your work and discover how to value your research in the context of the academia.

This session will pave the way to other sessions that will take place along the academic year and that will focus on specific themes within IP. All sessions will be held in English and online (by Zoom).

Iniciative organized by TT@Técnico, Technology Transfer Office of Técnico.

Any questions contact: pi@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
