NOS will award the best student of the Curricular Unit of in Parallel and Distributed Computing of the Computer Engineering Department.
Target audience and application conditions
All Técnico students enrolled in the Parallel and Distributed Computing course in the Department of Computer Engineering are candidates for the Merit Award.
Rules and Conditions
- 1. Students will be ranked according to the final grade (M) (numerical value of the merit, to the third decimal place) obtained in the Parallel and Distributed Computing Curricular Unit (UC), in the regular period.
2. The three (3) best students, with a final mark equal to or greater than 16, will go through to the final selection stage, oral presentation (pitch P).
3. The oral presentation will take place in the presence of the jury who will grade this component and decide on the award.
4. Students will be ranked according to a numerical value obtained from the merit (M) and the oral presentation (pitch P), where M will have a weighting of 90% and P will have a weighting of 10%.
- Monetary prize, to be given to Student, amounting to 1.535,00€;
- Donation for the improvement of the education quality, in the amount of 1.025,00€.
The jury panel will be :
- Prof. José Monteiro, Técnico
- Prof. Aleksandar Ilić, Técnico
- Representative to be appointed by NOS
Winners of Merit Award NOS in Parallel and Distributed Computing
Edition |
Student |
Prize |
2023/2024 |
waiting selection |
Regulamento Prémio de Mérito Académico NOS na Unidade Curricular de Computação Paralela e Distribuída (PT)
Regulamento Prémio de Mérito NOS em Computação Paralela e Distribuída 24_25 (PDF, 64KB)
Núcleo de Parcerias Empresariais (NPE)