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Cisco Merit Award in Network Architecture and Management

Cisco Systems Portugal annually awards an academic merit award to the best student of the U.C. Network Architecture and Management of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of IST.

Target audience and application conditions

In the 2023/2024 edition, candidates for the Cisco Merit Award in Network Architecture and Management will be all IST students enrolled in UC Network Architecture and Management.

Rules and Conditions

  1. 1. Students will be ranked according to the final grade as defined in the U.C. Networks and Internet Services evaluation method.
  2. 2. It will also be considered the final grade of the UC Computers Network and Internet, upon evaluation by the jury.


  • Monetary prize, to be given to Student, amounting to €1.750,00 (one thousand seven hundred and fifty euros);
  • Donation for the improvement of the education quality, in the amount of €1.170,00 (one thousand one hundred and seventy euros).


The jury panel must be composed of more than one IST faculty member so that they have a majority of the votes.

(See regulation of the respective academic year for more information).


Winners Cisco Merit Award in Networks and Internet Services

Edition Student Name Prize
2020/2021 Pedro Afonso Roque Martins 1.310,00€
2021/2022 Nuno Daniel Matos Martins 1.310,00€
2022/2023 José Luís de Freitas Martins Trindade 1.310,00€
2023/2024 Duarte Daniel Mestre de Pardal 1.750,00€


Corporate Partnerships Unit

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