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NOS a member of the Technician Partner Network, believes in the power and strength of Innovation to promote entrepreneurship, creativity and value creation..

The NOS TecInnov Competition therefore aims to create proofs of concept created around challenges launched by NOS and of special relevance to its business and strategy for the future.

If you have an idea that you strongly believe may have legs to walk then this is your opportunity!!

Target audience

Undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students of the Instituto Superior Técnico..

The teams must be composed mainly by members of Técnico’s academic community.

Thematic Areas/ Challenges

  • A television for everyone;
  • Welcome “HERE”!
  • How can I make my router more inclusive?
  • An office of all for all;
  • Solutions and sustainability, innovation and knowledge linked to the universe of telecommunications in general and to the case of NOS in particular.

More information about the Thematic Areas / challenge proposed by NOS – here

Program dates:

The NOS 2023 Edition of TecInnov will run according to the following deadlines:

  • Submission of applications – 22 May to 18 June 2023 – Application Form
  • Evaluation of applications/Pre-selection – until 30 June 2023
  • Brief presentation of each pre-selected application (pitch) – 3 to 7 July 2023
  • Final selection and announcement of results – until July 14
  • Implementation of the Proofs of Concept – until January 14 2023
  • Follow-up meeting – October 2023
  • Presentation of results – until 30 January 2024

How to apply

Fill in the Application Form:

Support values

In the NOS 2023 TecInnov Edition, support will be granted up to a maximum of 2,500 euros (two thousand and five hundred euros) for each project submitted and selected in the competition, for a total of 7,500 euros (seven thousand and five hundred euros).

Criteria for the granting of support

  1. 1. Projects will be evaluated broadly according to the following criteria:
  • Competence and suitability of the team;
  •  Feasibility of the project and degree of innovation;
  • Economic potential and degree of robustness of the business model;
  • Technology development status and time-to-market;
  • Financial support requested and budget availability.
  1. 2. In case of equal scoring, preference is given to multidisciplinary projects;
  2. 3. The pre-selected ideas will be presented, in pitch format, to the competition jury, and the approved ones will be given conditions for financial support to the innovation project;
  3. 4. The proofs of concept may be theoretical, practical or mock-ups, solid enough to support the feasibility of the proposed concept and should be prepared over a maximum period of 6 months;
  4. 5. As many projects will be approved as fit the available budget;
  5. 6. The support to be granted is intended to support part of the project’s activities, which shall be duly specified when the support is communicated; the beneficiary shall be responsible for reimbursing, in full or in part, the financial support granted should he/she fail to carry out, under the specified conditions, the activities supported by the Institute.

Results of TecInnov NOS 2023 edition

Project Team Suport
Tapping is all you need André Ribeiro, Francisco Carvalho, Pedro Baptista 1.000,00€

Support Documentation

In portuguese version


More information:

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