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FIDAWARD IN Computer Science and Engineering, powered by Fidelidade

Fidelidade will award the best student in Master Degree in Computer Science and Engineering of the Department of Computer Engineering (DEI).

Target audience and application conditions

All Técnico students enrolled in Master Degree in Computer Science and Engineering at Técnico,  who have completed at least 90 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System units) at 5th September 2023 and are simultaneously enrolled in the dissertation course.

Rules and Conditions

  1. 1. Students will be ranked in descending order according to the average number of ECTS completed.
  2. 2. In the event of a tie, the jury will give preference to the student with the lowest number of failed course units (UCs), followed by the student with the lowest number of non-assessed UCs (i.e. UCs in which the student has withdrawn from assessment). If the tie persists, the jury will value the student’s extra-curricular academic career (e.g. activities in centres, internships, additional ECTSs, etc).
  3. 3. The selected student may only receive 1 (one) merit award in the same academic year.


  • Monetary prize, to be given to Student, amounting to 2.500,00€;
  • Donation for the improvement of the education quality, in the amount of 1.660,00€.


The jury panel will be :

  • Prof. Pedro Tiago Monteiro, Técnico
  • Prof. Alberto Abad, Técnico
  • Representative to be appointed by Fidelidade

Winners of FIDAWARD IN Deep Learning

Edition Student Prize
2022/2023 Susana Moreno Monteiro 2.500,00 €


Regulamento do Prémio de Mérito FIDAWARD IN em Aprendizagem Profunda, powered by Fidelidade (PDF-PT)



Núcleo de Parcerias Empresariais (NPE)

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