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Tekever Students Organizations Competition’s

The TecInnov TEKEVER Técnico Student Organisations Competition, aims to support the participation of technological and innovative projects of the Students Organisations in competitions within the scope of the REPMUS exercise (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping of Unmanned Maritime Systems) in 2024, and which have a prototype to be demonstrated/tested.


All Students Organisations of Instituto Superior Técnico that are part of the IST Student organisations Forum during the application period for this competition, are eligible to apply.

Thematic areas

The Tekever 2024 edition of TecInnov aims to support the participation of technological and innovative projects by Students Organisations within the scope of the REPMUS (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping of Unmanned Maritime Systems) exercise in 2024, which have a prototype to be demonstrated/tested.


  • Applications – from July 1, 2024 until 3:00 p.m. (Portugal time) on July 5, 2024;
  • Evaluation of applications/Pre-selection – from July 8 to 10, 2024;
  • Announcement of results – from July 11, 2024; 
  • Competition participation period – from September 9 to 27, 2024; 
  • Delivery of the report and respective video of the activity within 30 days of the award-winning activity taking place.

Support values

In the Tekever 2024 edition of TecInnov, support will be granted up to a maximum of €2,500.00 (two thousand five hundred euros) for each project submitted to the competition, for a total of €7,500.00 (seven thousand five hundred euros).


The jury for the 2024 edition of TecInnov Tekever will be composed by three members:

  • Professor Alexandra Moutinho, Deputy Director for Defense and Security R&D Initiatives at Instituto Superior Técnico
  • Engineer António Relvas, Innovation Director at Tekever
  • Commander António Mourinha, Director of the Portuguese Navy’s Operational Experimentation Center.


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